Ann Anselin Schutsenberger “Psydrama”

The book by Ann Anselin Shutsencenberger, the world -famous psychotherapist, doctor of philosophy, student and ally of the creator of psychologist Jacob Levy Moreno, allows us to understand what the psychodrama is one of the leading directions of psychotherapy.

Almost any participant in the psychodramatic group, telling friends and loved ones about what happened to him or with it during these meetings, will certainly be stumbled and say: “In general, it must be seen”. A living psychodramatic action is really difficult to describe in words. However, the book by Ann Anselin Shutsencenberger, the world -famous psychotherapist, doctor of philosophy, student and ally of the creator of psychologist Jacob Levy Moreno, allows us to understand what the psychodrama is – one of the leading directions of psychotherapy. This is a clear and detailed story about the method, a detailed description of more than 130 modern psychodramatic techniques and a dictionary of special concepts. For someone who is close and interesting, this method is a “psychedrama” will become an excellent assistant in work, but also those who have no idea about “empty stools”, the exchange of roles and auxiliary “I” can, thanks to this book, feel the beauty and magicPsycodrams, and then, perhaps, will really want to see it with their own eyes.

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