6 ways to fill holidays with kindness and meaning

Long January holidays sometimes evoke longing. To avoid sadness and emptiness, use these simple methods that will help you please yourself and others. They do not require large financial costs: you only need your desire to make life a little brighter and more interesting.

Of course, we cannot return everything that we have lost last year. But we are able, using 6 simple ideas, to make the holidays complete meaning, to give happiness to ourselves and others, even those who see us only online.

1.Give gifts from the bottom of my heart

If you have not yet congratulated all relatives, friends and friends on the New Year, give them gifts made by yourself. For example, there is nothing more beautiful and more expensive than the drawings that children drew. Cams or shells from the sea can also be a funny gift and a promise of future travels.

But if you do not know how to draw, knit, write poetry or sew plush toys and there is no sea or forest nearby to find cones and pebbles there, make a “box of memories” or a magic bottle. You can put old photos, small postcards in which you will tell a loved one in the box why you love him.

And the bottle can be filled with neatly curtailed pieces of paper, on which it is written what you like in a friend

Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour votre relation? Il envisage de passer beaucoup ou plusieurs jours avec vous. Son rêve est un dimanche matin calme, deux tasses de café, des toasts, du beurre, de deux journaux et d’une conversation paresseuse sans hâte. Il cherche une relation avec stable et fiable, voit une femme en pharmacie erection peut-être maman une famille nombreuse. Son cadeau pour la cuisine et la vie quotidienne signifie, il comptait sur ce que vous serez chaleureux, satisfaisant et savoureux d’un foyer familial.

or relative, or warm New Year’s wishes are left. Such a gift to receive a hundred times more pleasant than the bull figure purchased in the store.

2.Write to those who changed your life

The classmate advised you to go to classes in the sports section, and since then you have been going there twice a week for two years now? The teacher taught you to love literature, and you eventually entered the Philfak?

On the life path we meet people who change us, inspire, help to discover something that we have not guessed before. New Year holidays – a great occasion to write to them and say “Thank you”. Let them forget about you for a long time, but you remember about them.

Believe me, they will be pleased to know that in this world there is at least one person whose life they changed for the better.

3.Dive leisure

If you do not have a lot of money, try to come up with something cool or magical of improvised materials to diversify leisure time during the holidays.

For example, you can bake the cookies that children love. Wrap it in foil and hide it in different secret corners of the apartment. And then draw a card, and let the children look for all your “secrets”. Or prepare funny medals, and then arrange a game: make short words from one long – and hand them to the winners.

4.Try to learn more about each other

Play “Questions and answers”. Write questions on the cards and turn them over so that your loved one – even if you communicate from the video, you can not read the text. Let him do the same. Pull the cards in turn. And then answer the questions honestly as possible. For example, ask the following questions:

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